
Keeping our Love a Secret 2 in a half HTTYD fic

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Keeping our Love a secret Chapter 2 ½  Healing Astrid  A How to train your dragon fic  Pre Movie AU  Hiccup X Astrid.

Day 1

Hiccup and I got up from sleeping in the woods all night he had asked me let him carry me after a long protest from me I had agreed after he said "It would be better if I picked up because of your broken leg Astrid I know you do not like me but I want to help you please Astrid". As he gave me a sad look I tried to protest but I realized he was right I would not get very far by myself with my injured foot I did I even save him I'm sure his father would have saved him Stoic always saves Hiccup.   His decisions toward Hiccup did not make sense he wanted shelter from the real world yet he wanted him to be a real viking he was a hypocrite. I did not dislike the chief but I did not like the way he treated Hiccup. Nobody should be treated like Hiccup people were awful to him. Wait - why do I care I treat him the same way everyone else I must be more tired feeling sympathetic to the village idiot.   thought My burned with embarrassment from the thoughts that plagued my mind just now. I must be getting a fever. I felt an odd sensation in my stomach that I could not quite Identify whatever it is I do not like it.

"Astrid Are you okay I have been trying to talk to you and you were not listening" "? he asked with concern  "Uh? I'm fine I was just thinking Hiccup I'm alright.  I said as I snapped back into reality He smirked and said "Wearing the headband I made I see I thought you didn't need it". he said teasingly

I gave him an annoyed expression and said "Just because  I have a broken leg does not mean I can not kick your butt". to make my point I used twisted his arm as he carried him he wailed in pain I smirked and said "That is for mock me "! suddenly I forgot he was carrying me  I was so caught up in making my point lucky .he quickly grabbed me before I could fall "Good relaxes  I said with shock as he set me down on a rock and said, "When you are working with a hammer and fire you need them or else you might end up with burns". he stated.

There was a long pause we just stared at each other for 5 minutes we did not say a word and then he opened his mouth .

"I was not making fun of you Astrid I was just trying to make conversation with you okay"! He said kindly as he rubbed his arm tenderly I suddenly had a pang of guilt  He is just trying to help me and I'm being mean to him...

"We should get going".  I sadly looking at him he smiled shyly and said " Alright do not hit me again I was lucky I might not be able to catch you next time".

The rest of the day I helped him the Forge because it was the only way I could be useful I not like to see and do nothing . Because I'm used to intense exercise routines and practicing with my Axe which I could not do because of my injured leg .I did not want to feel like a waste of space rotting away at Hiccup's house. So I begged him to let me go with him and said that If he did not let me go I would break his leg too. Despite this he tried to get me to stay home but I did not listen so he agreed to let me help heating the swords and cool them down . He would hit them on the hammer and hang them up for Gobber who was shocked to see me openly hang out with Hiccup and teased us Hiccup got so red with embarrassment that I laughed he was so cute when he was -Gah I feel like I want to barf I thought   

Afterwards We down to the woods at 5 and talked about our pasts When I heard Hiccup's stories about Being ridiculed and pushed aside I felt like I wanted to hug him it was so sad. That I do not feel like talking about it.

Suddenly the setting changed to a Hut with Teenagers staring at their mother blankly and said "Why don't you want to talk about it mom?". I started at my son he had matured quite a lot he was 17 years old and had spiked shoulder pads like me with green eyes and dirty blond hair pushed back like his father with a face full of freckles and a headband on his forehead.

"Because it is sad too sad to talk about their are some things that you should keep in your head I stated to my son". while smiling I had two boys and two girls I had both all at once quadruples are hard to deal with but  I do not regret any minute of it.

Can we continue with the story please I want to go and train Said Hicka my youngest daughter I laughed just like her mother and said "Alright".

After me and Hiccup when to the woods we went back to his place ,Stoic helped me to a chair while looking at Hiccup with anger  Where were you last night I was worried

HIccup rolled eyes and said "I'm fine Dad Astrid and I were hanging out and we kinda lost track of time okay ."

That is no excuse Hiccup you have to home by sundown the Dragons come out at night you could have been hurt next time if you want to be out all night leave a note explaining where you are going He yelled with concern

Hiccup looked down and said Fine I will be more careful okay Can Astrid stay here until her leg is healed

Sure son but you are responsible for her so she better not get hurt anymore then she is or You will clean the fish barrels for 2 months are we clear

"Yes Dad".  he said sadly

Day 2

I woke up and found myself on Hiccup's bed but where was he I looked around the room and found him on the floor shivering I smiled and thought He is gonna catch a cold like that... I got up from the bed and carefully shut the door behind me so that I would not wake him and sat down in the living room Stiock nodded I nodded back  Where is he is gonna miss breakfast he asked me  He is still asleep sir do you want me to wake him?  "No let him sleep he stayed up most of the night  working on that silly invention of his I hope this a faze he needs to learn how to be a viking he is so different Astrid". I glared at him and said

"You should not pick on something just because they are different  he may not be  a cruel and merciless dragon killer but he has a heart of gold he has tried to fit in when he should not have to change to be accepted into his own tribe."  

He looked at me with shock and said "Do not tell me how to raise my own son I Am embarrassed to walk around the streets with him causing destruction everywhere he goes he needs a little tough love Astrid if he is ever gonna rule this tribe he has got to start pulling his own weight and that is a sad fact of life.".

"You watch someday he is gonna do something amazing that changes the face of this tribe and you are gonna regret ever hurting his feelings some father you are  Gobber is more of a father to your son then you ever were ".I said as I walked out of the living room with the chief to his thoughts.

"Hiccup wake up" ! I snapped as I slapped him across the face " AH ow Good morning Astrid". He said Shyly  "your father wants you to come down for breakfast".I said harshly  Hiccup looked at him with a confused expression that said What happened I shook my head and said "I do not want to talk about.".

"Come on Astrid obviously something is bugging you and I want to know".

Your father was being mean to you again and I stood up for Oh gods I did aw man I'm in so much trouble Questioning the chief I said with panic

It is okay Astrid he gets stuff like that from Gobber just tell me what you said

I said Gobber is more a father figure to you then your own father and that you should not force Hiccup to be like everyone else because he has a heart of gold and he does not deserve the way you treat him I finished

"You really said that" said Hiccup

"Yeah ". I said suddenly I realized he did not have a shirt on I felt warm all the sudden and said I should go and let you get dressed with a blush as I sifted in embarrassment

5 minutes later he came down stairs and sat at the table no one said a word Stiock looked at me and Hiccup and hitt his fist on the table we jumped  Hiccup did you put Astrid up to this

No Dad she acted out on her own free will I did not do anything

"I believe you son but I do not understand Astrid why are you sticking up for my son you are the strongest young viking you have a lot of promise do not ruin your future by encouraging my son to cause another disaster ". Stiock snapped

"Because he needs someone who cares I have hung out with your son for 6 days now and I realized he is not as bad as everyone thinks he might be clumsy and awkward around people all the time but whose fault is it you shelter him from the world yet you expect him to be a real viking you are such a hypocrite"! I snapped with anger at him.

"You -I you know what you are right I'm sorry Astrid I just do not know what to do about him he is so different "...

Really guys I'm right here thought Hiccup

"Different can be a good thing sir ".

"Can you guys stop talking about me as if I'm not here". said Hiccup  we nodded as I continued to eat my fish Stiock looked at me.

"Astrid ". ! he snapped

"Yeah". I said with fear looking down with shame

"Haha good job my boy needs a friend like you" he laughed as he slapped my back I looked at Hiccup with confusion

"Do not worry Astid he always does that ".whispered Hiccup.

"So when is the wedding"? asked Stiock with a smile

We both spit out our food and looked each other and turned red

"Haha ".

We could not go the woods because a strong blizzard started raining down on Berk so Hiccup and I stayed inside and told stories of our childhood. Gobber and Stiock were talking in the kitchen as we hung out.

"They really have taken a liking to each other haven't they ".said Gobber as he watch Hiccup tell a joke so funny that I was on the floor hitting the ground.

"Looks like it was a good idea to step them up after all".  said Stiock  

Yeah Whenever he is with Astid he is happier than he is when he is inventing and that is saying something maybe the wedding should begin

"No not yet wait until after dragon training then we will arrange it". said Stiock  

Day 3

The next day the ground was filled with fresh snow Hiccup and I went outside and had a snowball fight  Hiccup slipped and fell 5 times it was entertaining to watch him fall down I helped him up every time he fell.  I felt something touch my cheek and realized that Hiccup had kissed me and quickly left before I could react I smirked and thought I'm so gonna get him back for this I thought as I grabbed a batch of snow and contracted it into a snowball and threw it at his face he looked at me with surprise and said  "That is for kissing me without asking".! I said with pressure

"Oh you think you got me Astrid well i got news for you you are in thin ice ".he remarked as he pointed the ground underneath my feet. I looked down to find I was under a frozen lake I looked down at it fear and said "Hiccup do not let me fall  I can not swim "! He looked at me with disbelief and said "Astrid take slow steps or you fall here let me help you " He instructed as he held out his hand to assist me I smacked his hand away and said  "No ! I can do it myself  with your clumsiness I will fall for sure"!. He looked at me with a sad look and then laughed. and Said "Are you sure you got it"? "Yes I got it "! I snapped suddenly I took too big of a step and the ice cracked and I fell. "Hiccup!".  "Astrid  take my hand please I will not let you go trust me  I looked hesitant at first but nodded and quickly grabbed his hand but my hands were too slippery and he got dragged in as well,But Hiccup knew how to do something I could not swim.

He threw me onto the surface but he did not have have lung power to go back to the surface I could only watch as he got in deeper and deeper in the water When suddenly A familiar blue beam shot threw the sky I looked at t fatergased Night fury I whispered to myself  The manfinant Dragon dove straight for the water I looked down at the whole as Hiccup was pulled off the water by the dragon I broke into tears and said Than you everything we know about you guys is wrong You saved him with shock The dragon nodded in reply I tried to touch it but it growled and flew away from me. No has seen a Night fury and lived this was a breakthrough in Viking history. The dragon did not fly very far it had tried but it was injured one of its fins was missing I looked at in wonder at how it possibly could have come off suddenly I gasped remembering 3 days ago

3 days ago at the dragon raid

I realized that the Dragon was headed for Hiccup I dove front of HIccup and threw my axe at the beast it wailed in pain and shot my leg . I winched and passed out from the pain I heard Hiccup call my name and call for help from his father .Just before I passed out I fell on my leg wrong when I tried dogging the Night fury's blast .I could not feel anything but pain in my left leg.

So my Axe cut off one of its fins it has been hanging out in this cove because it can not move. I thought bitterly I quickly picked up Hiccup and took him back to the village to have him examined he was perfectly fine no injuries once so ever If he had not been there with me I might have died I thought.  The rest of the day I watched him breath in and out the cold water gave him a high fever he got sick saving me... I owe him my life.

Day 4

I made my mother's special cold remedy it tasted bad but the best medicines are always bitter, I waited until he woke up and ordered him to drink it,He unwillingly drank it he was being stubborn so I practically forced it into his system he gagged and asked  "What is that ".? with disgusted and gave me a look as if he swallowed a handful of lemons. I smiled and  replied "It is my mother's remedy for colds".  

The rest of the day I helped Hiccup dig the snow away from the hut afterwards Gobber payed a visit and made us Hot cocoa as a reward.  

Day 5

I held my breath to hold the Hiccups escaping I had ate breakfast to fast and had gotten the most annoying thing in the human body, I tried everything water holding my breath, Hiccup even tried to scare me he had succeeded but I regretfully hit him it was one of my defense mechanisms.

The rest of the day was mostly us trying to get rid of my hiccups.

Stoick just sat drinking beer and laughing at us.

Day 6
I feel weird feeling for him why do I get weird sensations whenever I'm around Hiccup my body temperature increases and I get odd goosebumps could I possibly like him?  oh odin what do I do?

Day 7

Today Hiccup told the funniest jokes I had practically had the giggles all day I just could not stop laughing.

2 Weeks later the healer came and told me I was completely healed I kissed Hiccup as a thank you for helping me to get back to my feet for these past 3 weeks Dragon training was in 4 weeks I could wait take down dragons in front of the village but I could still see the Night fury stare at me with fear and curiosity . I shook my head back to reality. "I will kill a dragon I am gonna be a viking". I said repeatedly as I went home my mom and dad celebrated my return home and That Stiock was a responsible leader taking care of a member of a tribe I told them it was not him but Hiccup they stared at me with shock . They were speechless they did not say anything for the rest of the day.
Chapter 2 in half explains ( what happened during Astrid's injured leg in chapter 2)

Cover [link]

Prologue [link] 10 things

Chapter 1 [link] - Hiccup's breaking point

Chapter 2 [link] - The Night fury

Chapter 3 [link] - The unknown stranger

Chapter 4 [link] - Tension

Chapter 5 [link] - The Darkness inside

Chapter 6 [link] - I did not know what I had

Chapter 7 - [link] -The quest part 1 of 4

Chapter 8 - [link] - The quest part 2 of 4

Chapter 9 [link] - The quest part 3 of 4
© 2012 - 2024 firecrystal1092
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